Eric Schluessel (Ph.D.) ist Sozialhistoriker und widmet sich in seiner Forschung vor allem der Region Xinjiang (Chinesisch Zentralasien) im 19. und 20. Jh. Derzeit ist er als Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs an der George Washington University tätig. Im Sommer 2021 hielt er sich als Stipendiat im Rahmen des Stipendienprogramms der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin auf und studierte vormoderne Handschriften aus Xinjiang. In diesem Blogpost gibt er einen kurzen Einblick in seine Forschung an der SBB.
The homeland of the Uyghur people now appears constantly in the news. This region in Northwestern China, called “Xinjiang” in Chinese, is a vast land of mountains, deserts, oases, and grasslands. Its autochthonous majority, known today as Uyghurs, speak a language related to Turkish and mainly practice Islam. Their homeland was incorporated into the China-based Qing empire in the 1750s, and the tension between Turko-Islamic and Chinese or Confucian cultures has shaped interactions between communities in the region ever since.
That tension is highly apparent in historical scholarship, which has tended to focus on the politics of Uyghur ethnic identity over the past two hundred years, for example the question of the origins of Uyghur nationalism. That is to say, the present issue of interethnic and religious conflict has helped define how historians think about the Uyghur past and select research topics.
In the midst of tragedy and politics, how can we remember that history is also the story of ordinary people? The history of everyday life is a powerful thing. It humanizes people in distant places and times by showing how their struggles and daily victories reflect our own. Now a pair of remarkable historical documents from villages in the Uyghur homeland at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) are opening new windows into that history of everyday life by illuminating economic history at the village level.
The documents both arrived at SBB thanks to the Tibetologist, Mongolist, Indologist and Sinologist Georg Huth (1867–1906). In 1902, Huth traveled with a German Turfan expedition to the Uyghur homeland, specifically to the oasis of Turfan. There, in the town of Qarakhoja, he purchased a number of manuscripts written in Chaghatay, the literary language of which modern Uyghur is an immediate descendant. Following his death, those manuscripts were given to SBB. There, one key manuscript was cataloged but largely ignored, and another was forgotten about entirely until 2019, when Dr. Aysima Mirsultan, a librarian at SBB and expert in the history of the Turkic world, noticed it in the library’s vaults.
Figure 1 : An excerpt from Aurel Stein’s maps of the Uyghur homeland, indicating the oasis of Turfan and town of Qarakhoja (“Kara-khōja”) (Source: map based on no. 28 and 31 of item from “Digital Silk Road Project” (National Institute of Informatics/Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books)
Those manuscripts, along with many other sources that have recently come to light, show how Uyghurs conceived of and undertook economic activities at the village level, and even used the institutions of the Qing empire to stabilize prices and provide relief to those affected by disasters. One manuscript, Ms. or. fol. 3303, is a notebook kept by a merchant who sold cloth, leather, and fur. It dates to 1895, which was a complicated year for the Uyghur homeland’s economy, as the Qing empire was withdrawing the subsidies that kept the Xinjiang government afloat. The other manuscript, the recently discovered Ms. or. fol. 4221, is actually a collection of ten notebooks dating to around the same time. These notebooks describe the activities of the “relief granary,” a special Chinese institution used to balance market prices for vital commodities by collecting grain and releasing it strategically onto the market.
I get the feeling that the merchant’s notebook (Ms. or. fol. 3303) received so little scholarly attention in part because the handwriting is so difficult to decipher. When we read it, we get a sense of a merchant with several apprentices, each of whom writes with different handwriting and spelling. One of them—the merchant himself, I think—had a clear and educated hand and favored a reed pen, while his underlings scrawled in ink or pencil, sounding words out letter-by-letter. Even common words can be difficult to decipher, let alone the obscure terminology related to cloth and leather. Many Chinese words also appear, but these are written in Arabic letters instead of Chinese characters, adding to the confusion.
Figure 2: A page from Ms. or. fol. 3303, showing the different “hands” that wrote in this notebook. Each entry is enclosed in a bubble.
Nevertheless, once we decipher the handwriting, the information within gives us an unprecedented picture of artisans and merchants in Turfan. We even see examples of women’s roles in production and the market. Several named women purchased cloth and other materials from the shop, and then returned later on to sell back the hats they had made. These colorful four-cornered skullcaps, called doppa, are a mainstay of Uyghur dress to this day. Let us consider the example of a woman named Harnisa:
Harnisa purchased 1 foot 3 inches of velvet at .8 silver coins.
Embroidered 12 doppas for us. Borrowed 8 silver. Purchased 1
spool of thread and ½ of cotton matting at .13 silver. Purchased 1
gold coin’s worth of black felt, 1 gold coin’s worth of soap.
Embroidered 3 brocade doppas for us. Embroidered 5 more
brocade doppas for us. Embroidered 5 more brocade doppas for
us. Purchased 1 piece of woven cotton cloth at .35 silver.
Embroidered 4 velvet doppas for us.
Clearly, Harnisa was a regular customer with a longstanding relationship with the shop. She was not alone – many other craftspeople, such as milliners and cobblers, also made bulk purchases from the shop every month. Other customers bought items for personal use: A shirt, or a headscarf, or perhaps an exceptionally fine robe that might be given as a wedding gift.
We can also tell from these entries more or less how much material it took to create a doppa. Indeed, the listed items are all part of a doppa: velvet, brocade, thread, cotton matting for the interior, and soap to stiffen the cloth. One of those components, gold brocade, was the single most expensive item in the shop, sold at 1.25 silver per inch. (To put it in context, the same notebook states that the price of a loaf of bread was .1 silver.) But Harnisa did not buy her brocade from this shop—perhaps she found a better price elsewhere?
As we look more closely at the merchant’s notebook, families begin to appear: Amrullah the Baker paid his bills in bread, and sometimes his wife, Sherin, brought a few loaves to pay her bills, as well. Fathers, sons, and brothers regularly stopped by to pay each other’s debts, or to purchase gifts for one another. In the future, mapping these relationships will help enrich our understanding of how people organized themselves as families and as workers.
The collection of notebooks from the relief granary (Ms. or. fol. 4221) finally provide some context for the merchant’s records. These notebooks are also written in Chaghatay, but the scribes mainly favored the tools of Chinese writing, such as ink brushes that seem to have been poorly suited to writing the Arabic script. This means that the notebooks are written in a spidery handwriting that takes much practice to read, as well as a kind of shorthand derived from the choppy, dense grammar of Chinese documents. Not to mention, they also use many Chinese words!
Figure 3: Text from Ms. or. fol. 4221
Ongoing work on the relief granary notebooks, however, is revealing much about how the Qing state in its local form understood not only the prices of goods, but the value of other things: The notebooks record prices for a day of labor, an hour of water to irrigate one’s field, a small amount of tobacco, and other things that were part of the daily exchanges between ordinary people. Gradually, as it becomes possible to identify the many individuals named in these notebooks, and to compare other documents that describe their landholdings and professions, the world of an Uyghur village in the nineteenth century will come to life.
Podiumsdiskussion 30 Jahre Demokratie in der Mongolei
/in Aktuelles, Newsletter 26, Veranstaltungen/by CrossAsiaLiebe Nutzer:innen, liebe Kolleg:innen,
wir möchten Sie auf eine Podiumsdiskussion in Kooperation mit der Mongolischen Botschaft mit dem Titel 30 Jahre Demokratie in der Mongolei am Donnerstag, den 24. März 2022 um 18:00 Uhr hinweisen. Die Mongolei feierte am 13. Februar 2022 den 30. Jahrestag des Inkrafttretens ihrer demokratischen Verfassung. Wir wollen gemeinsam mit der Mongolischen Botschaft auf diese „friedliche Revolution“ zurückblicken, die sozialen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Umbrüche nach dem Niedergang des Sozialismus in der Mongolei diskutieren und zudem einen Blick auf die Deutsch-Mongolischen Beziehungen werfen.
Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin bietet Ihnen in der Ostasienabteilung neben einem umfangreichen Bestand an vormodernen Werken auch Zugang zu moderner mongolischer Literatur, die diese Zeit dokumentiert und beleuchtet.
Dr. Achim Bonte [angefragt]
Es diskutieren
Herr S.E. Dr. B. Mandakhbileg, Botschafter der Mongolei in Deutschland
Herr S.E. a.D. D. Terbishdagva, Berater des Mongolischen Premierministers
Herr Dr. h.c. (RUS) Peter Schaller, Deutscher Botschafter a.D.
Herr Dr. Oliver Corff (Sinologe, Wirtschaftsberater und Dolmetscher) führt in die Thematik ein und moderiert die Veranstaltung.
Die Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz in der
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Wilhelm von Humboldt-Saal
Unter den Linden 8
10117 Berlin
Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, melden Sie sich bitte bis zum 20.03.2022 unter an. Nennen Sie dabei bitte auch, mit wie vielen Personen Sie teilnehmen werden. Wir bitten zugleich um Beachtung der am Veranstaltungsdatum gültigen Hygiene-Regeln.
Zugang zu Monographien von Oxford Scholarship Online
/in Aktuelle Testzugänge, Aktuelles, Newsletter 26/by CrossAsiaDie Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin kann allen CrossAsia Nutzer:innen ab sofort Zugang zu Monographien von Oxford Scholarship Online – OSO (Oxford University Press) anbieten. Der Zugang zu den einzelnen Titeln ist über die CrossAsia Suche eingerichtet.
Oxford University Press hat einer Ausweitung des Zugriffs der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin auf die Nutzer:innen von CossAsia zugestimmt. Die Staatsbibliothek bietet Zugang zu OSO im Rahmen der Evidence Based Acquisition, einer nutzergesteuerten Erwerbung von Publikationen, die mit Oxford University Press vereinbart wurde, an. Der Zugriff läuft auf jeden Fall noch bis Ende Mai.
Ob der FID Asien später Monographien dauerhaft lizenziert wird geklärt werden. Sie können uns auf jeden Fall gern Ihre Wünsche für eine dauerhafte Lizenzierung per Email an vorschlagen.
The World of a Nineteenth-Century Uyghur Village
/in Aktuelles, Digitalisierung, Handschriften, Newsletter 26, SBB/by CrossAsiaEric Schluessel (Ph.D.) ist Sozialhistoriker und widmet sich in seiner Forschung vor allem der Region Xinjiang (Chinesisch Zentralasien) im 19. und 20. Jh. Derzeit ist er als Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs an der George Washington University tätig. Im Sommer 2021 hielt er sich als Stipendiat im Rahmen des Stipendienprogramms der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin auf und studierte vormoderne Handschriften aus Xinjiang. In diesem Blogpost gibt er einen kurzen Einblick in seine Forschung an der SBB.
The homeland of the Uyghur people now appears constantly in the news. This region in Northwestern China, called “Xinjiang” in Chinese, is a vast land of mountains, deserts, oases, and grasslands. Its autochthonous majority, known today as Uyghurs, speak a language related to Turkish and mainly practice Islam. Their homeland was incorporated into the China-based Qing empire in the 1750s, and the tension between Turko-Islamic and Chinese or Confucian cultures has shaped interactions between communities in the region ever since.
That tension is highly apparent in historical scholarship, which has tended to focus on the politics of Uyghur ethnic identity over the past two hundred years, for example the question of the origins of Uyghur nationalism. That is to say, the present issue of interethnic and religious conflict has helped define how historians think about the Uyghur past and select research topics.
In the midst of tragedy and politics, how can we remember that history is also the story of ordinary people? The history of everyday life is a powerful thing. It humanizes people in distant places and times by showing how their struggles and daily victories reflect our own. Now a pair of remarkable historical documents from villages in the Uyghur homeland at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) are opening new windows into that history of everyday life by illuminating economic history at the village level.
The documents both arrived at SBB thanks to the Tibetologist, Mongolist, Indologist and Sinologist Georg Huth (1867–1906). In 1902, Huth traveled with a German Turfan expedition to the Uyghur homeland, specifically to the oasis of Turfan. There, in the town of Qarakhoja, he purchased a number of manuscripts written in Chaghatay, the literary language of which modern Uyghur is an immediate descendant. Following his death, those manuscripts were given to SBB. There, one key manuscript was cataloged but largely ignored, and another was forgotten about entirely until 2019, when Dr. Aysima Mirsultan, a librarian at SBB and expert in the history of the Turkic world, noticed it in the library’s vaults.
Figure 1 : An excerpt from Aurel Stein’s maps of the Uyghur homeland, indicating the oasis of Turfan and town of Qarakhoja (“Kara-khōja”) (Source: map based on no. 28 and 31 of item from “Digital Silk Road Project” (National Institute of Informatics/Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books)
Those manuscripts, along with many other sources that have recently come to light, show how Uyghurs conceived of and undertook economic activities at the village level, and even used the institutions of the Qing empire to stabilize prices and provide relief to those affected by disasters. One manuscript, Ms. or. fol. 3303, is a notebook kept by a merchant who sold cloth, leather, and fur. It dates to 1895, which was a complicated year for the Uyghur homeland’s economy, as the Qing empire was withdrawing the subsidies that kept the Xinjiang government afloat. The other manuscript, the recently discovered Ms. or. fol. 4221, is actually a collection of ten notebooks dating to around the same time. These notebooks describe the activities of the “relief granary,” a special Chinese institution used to balance market prices for vital commodities by collecting grain and releasing it strategically onto the market.
I get the feeling that the merchant’s notebook (Ms. or. fol. 3303) received so little scholarly attention in part because the handwriting is so difficult to decipher. When we read it, we get a sense of a merchant with several apprentices, each of whom writes with different handwriting and spelling. One of them—the merchant himself, I think—had a clear and educated hand and favored a reed pen, while his underlings scrawled in ink or pencil, sounding words out letter-by-letter. Even common words can be difficult to decipher, let alone the obscure terminology related to cloth and leather. Many Chinese words also appear, but these are written in Arabic letters instead of Chinese characters, adding to the confusion.
Figure 2: A page from Ms. or. fol. 3303, showing the different “hands” that wrote in this notebook. Each entry is enclosed in a bubble.
Nevertheless, once we decipher the handwriting, the information within gives us an unprecedented picture of artisans and merchants in Turfan. We even see examples of women’s roles in production and the market. Several named women purchased cloth and other materials from the shop, and then returned later on to sell back the hats they had made. These colorful four-cornered skullcaps, called doppa, are a mainstay of Uyghur dress to this day. Let us consider the example of a woman named Harnisa:
Harnisa purchased 1 foot 3 inches of velvet at .8 silver coins.
Embroidered 12 doppas for us. Borrowed 8 silver. Purchased 1
spool of thread and ½ of cotton matting at .13 silver. Purchased 1
gold coin’s worth of black felt, 1 gold coin’s worth of soap.
Embroidered 3 brocade doppas for us. Embroidered 5 more
brocade doppas for us. Embroidered 5 more brocade doppas for
us. Purchased 1 piece of woven cotton cloth at .35 silver.
Embroidered 4 velvet doppas for us.
Clearly, Harnisa was a regular customer with a longstanding relationship with the shop. She was not alone – many other craftspeople, such as milliners and cobblers, also made bulk purchases from the shop every month. Other customers bought items for personal use: A shirt, or a headscarf, or perhaps an exceptionally fine robe that might be given as a wedding gift.
We can also tell from these entries more or less how much material it took to create a doppa. Indeed, the listed items are all part of a doppa: velvet, brocade, thread, cotton matting for the interior, and soap to stiffen the cloth. One of those components, gold brocade, was the single most expensive item in the shop, sold at 1.25 silver per inch. (To put it in context, the same notebook states that the price of a loaf of bread was .1 silver.) But Harnisa did not buy her brocade from this shop—perhaps she found a better price elsewhere?
As we look more closely at the merchant’s notebook, families begin to appear: Amrullah the Baker paid his bills in bread, and sometimes his wife, Sherin, brought a few loaves to pay her bills, as well. Fathers, sons, and brothers regularly stopped by to pay each other’s debts, or to purchase gifts for one another. In the future, mapping these relationships will help enrich our understanding of how people organized themselves as families and as workers.
The collection of notebooks from the relief granary (Ms. or. fol. 4221) finally provide some context for the merchant’s records. These notebooks are also written in Chaghatay, but the scribes mainly favored the tools of Chinese writing, such as ink brushes that seem to have been poorly suited to writing the Arabic script. This means that the notebooks are written in a spidery handwriting that takes much practice to read, as well as a kind of shorthand derived from the choppy, dense grammar of Chinese documents. Not to mention, they also use many Chinese words!
Figure 3: Text from Ms. or. fol. 4221
Ongoing work on the relief granary notebooks, however, is revealing much about how the Qing state in its local form understood not only the prices of goods, but the value of other things: The notebooks record prices for a day of labor, an hour of water to irrigate one’s field, a small amount of tobacco, and other things that were part of the daily exchanges between ordinary people. Gradually, as it becomes possible to identify the many individuals named in these notebooks, and to compare other documents that describe their landholdings and professions, the world of an Uyghur village in the nineteenth century will come to life.
The World of a Nineteenth-Century Uyghur Village
/in Aktuelles, Digitalisierung, Handschriften, SBB/by CrossAsiaEric Schluessel (Ph.D.) ist Sozialhistoriker und widmet sich in seiner Forschung vor allem der Region Xinjiang (Chinesisch Zentralasien) im 19. und 20. Jh. Derzeit ist er als Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs an der George Washington University tätig. Im Sommer 2021 hielt er sich als Stipendiat im Rahmen des Stipendienprogramms der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz an der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin auf und studierte vormoderne Handschriften aus Xinjiang. In diesem Blogpost gibt er einen kurzen Einblick in seine Forschung an der SBB.
The homeland of the Uyghur people now appears constantly in the news. This region in Northwestern China, called “Xinjiang” in Chinese, is a vast land of mountains, deserts, oases, and grasslands. Its autochthonous majority, known today as Uyghurs, speak a language related to Turkish and mainly practice Islam. Their homeland was incorporated into the China-based Qing empire in the 1750s, and the tension between Turko-Islamic and Chinese or Confucian cultures has shaped interactions between communities in the region ever since.
That tension is highly apparent in historical scholarship, which has tended to focus on the politics of Uyghur ethnic identity over the past two hundred years, for example the question of the origins of Uyghur nationalism. That is to say, the present issue of interethnic and religious conflict has helped define how historians think about the Uyghur past and select research topics.
In the midst of tragedy and politics, how can we remember that history is also the story of ordinary people? The history of everyday life is a powerful thing. It humanizes people in distant places and times by showing how their struggles and daily victories reflect our own. Now a pair of remarkable historical documents from villages in the Uyghur homeland at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) are opening new windows into that history of everyday life by illuminating economic history at the village level.
The documents both arrived at SBB thanks to the archaeologist Georg Huth (1867–1906). In 1902, Huth traveled with a German expedition to the Uyghur homeland, specifically to the oasis of Turfan. There, in the town of Qarakhoja, he purchased a number of manuscripts written in Chaghatay, the literary language of which modern Uyghur is an immediate descendant. Following his death, those manuscripts were given to SBB. There, one key manuscript was cataloged but largely ignored, and another was forgotten about entirely until 2019, when Dr. Aysima Mirsultan, a librarian at SBB and expert in the history of the Turkic world, noticed it in the library’s vaults.
Figure 1 : An excerpt from Aurel Stein’s maps of the Uyghur homeland, indicating the oasis of Turfan and town of Qarakhoja (“Kara-khōja”)
Those manuscripts, along with many other sources that have recently come to light, show how Uyghurs conceived of and undertook economic activities at the village level, and even used the institutions of the Qing empire to stabilize prices and provide relief to those affected by disasters. One manuscript, Ms. or. fol. 3303, is a notebook kept by a merchant who sold cloth, leather, and fur. It dates to 1895, which was a complicated year for the Uyghur homeland’s economy, as the Qing empire was withdrawing the subsidies that kept the Xinjiang government afloat. The other manuscript, the recently discovered Ms. or. fol. 4221, is actually a collection of ten notebooks dating to around the same time. These notebooks describe the activities of the “relief granary,” a special Chinese institution used to balance market prices for vital commodities by collecting grain and releasing it strategically onto the market.
I get the feeling that the merchant’s notebook (Ms. or. fol. 3303) received so little scholarly attention in part because the handwriting is so difficult to decipher. When we read it, we get a sense of a merchant with several apprentices, each of whom writes with different handwriting and spelling. One of them—the merchant himself, I think—had a clear and educated hand and favored a reed pen, while his underlings scrawled in ink or pencil, sounding words out letter-by-letter. Even common words can be difficult to decipher, let alone the obscure terminology related to cloth and leather. Many Chinese words also appear, but these are written in Arabic letters instead of Chinese characters, adding to the confusion.
Figure 2: A page from Ms. or. fol. 3303, showing the different “hands” that wrote in this notebook. Each entry is enclosed in a bubble.
Nevertheless, once we decipher the handwriting, the information within gives us an unprecedented picture of artisans and merchants in Turfan. We even see examples of women’s roles in production and the market. Several named women purchased cloth and other materials from the shop, and then returned later on to sell back the hats they had made. These colorful four-cornered skullcaps, called doppa, are a mainstay of Uyghur dress to this day. Let us consider the example of a woman named Harnisa:
Harnisa purchased 1 foot 3 inches of velvet at .8 silver coins.
Embroidered 12 doppas for us. Borrowed 8 silver. Purchased 1
spool of thread and ½ of cotton matting at .13 silver. Purchased 1
gold coin’s worth of black felt, 1 gold coin’s worth of soap.
Embroidered 3 brocade doppas for us. Embroidered 5 more
brocade doppas for us. Embroidered 5 more brocade doppas for
us. Purchased 1 piece of woven cotton cloth at .35 silver.
Embroidered 4 velvet doppas for us.
Clearly, Harnisa was a regular customer with a longstanding relationship with the shop. She was not alone – many other craftspeople, such as milliners and cobblers, also made bulk purchases from the shop every month. Other customers bought items for personal use: A shirt, or a headscarf, or perhaps an exceptionally fine robe that might be given as a wedding gift.
We can also tell from these entries more or less how much material it took to create a doppa. Indeed, the listed items are all part of a doppa: velvet, brocade, thread, cotton matting for the interior, and soap to stiffen the cloth. One of those components, gold brocade, was the single most expensive item in the shop, sold at 1.25 silver per inch. (To put it in context, the same notebook states that the price of a loaf of bread was .1 silver.) But Harnisa did not buy her brocade from this shop—perhaps she found a better price elsewhere?
As we look more closely at the merchant’s notebook, families begin to appear: Amrullah the Baker paid his bills in bread, and sometimes his wife, Sherin, brought a few loaves to pay her bills, as well. Fathers, sons, and brothers regularly stopped by to pay each other’s debts, or to purchase gifts for one another. In the future, mapping these relationships will help enrich our understanding of how people organized themselves as families and as workers.
The collection of notebooks from the relief granary (Ms. or. fol. 4221) finally provide some context for the merchant’s records. These notebooks are also written in Chaghatay, but the scribes mainly favored the tools of Chinese writing, such as ink brushes that seem to have been poorly suited to writing the Arabic script. This means that the notebooks are written in a spidery handwriting that takes much practice to read, as well as a kind of shorthand derived from the choppy, dense grammar of Chinese documents. Not to mention, they also use many Chinese words!
Figure 3: Text from Ms. or. fol. 4221
Ongoing work on the relief granary notebooks, however, is revealing much about how the Qing state in its local form understood not only the prices of goods, but the value of other things: The notebooks record prices for a day of labor, an hour of water to irrigate one’s field, a small amount of tobacco, and other things that were part of the daily exchanges between ordinary people. Gradually, as it becomes possible to identify the many individuals named in these notebooks, and to compare other documents that describe their landholdings and professions, the world of an Uyghur village in the nineteenth century will come to life.
Ergebnisse zur Evaluation des CrossAsia Classrooms
/in Aktuelles, Newsletter 26, Nutzerumfrage, Schulungen/by CrossAsiaIm Wintersemester 2021/2022 haben wir Sie, die Teilnehmer:innen der freien Webinare, die im CrossAsia Classroom angeboten wurden, gebeten diese zu evaluieren. Durch diese Evaluierung wollten wir feststellen, wie zufrieden Sie mit unserem Schulungsangebot sind, welche Inhalte für Sie besonders nützlich sind und was wir für Sie verbessern können.
Bevor wir Ihnen unsere Ergebnisse vorstellen, möchten wir uns bei Ihnen für Ihr Feedback ganz herzlich bedanken. Jeder ausgefüllte Fragebogen und jeder Kommentar hat uns geholfen zu verstehen, wie die Webinare Sie bei Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit unterstützen!
Im letzten Wintersemester haben wir insgesamt 20 Schulungen angeboten, davon zwei allgemeine Einführungen, sieben Schulungen mit japanologischen Inhalten, vier mit sinologischen Schwerpunkt und jeweils zwei mit zentralasiatischen, südostasiatischen und koreanischen Inhalten. Auf diese Veranstaltungen verteilten sich insgesamt 162 Teilnehmer:innen, von denen insgesamt 78 den Fragebogen vollständig ausgefüllt haben. Im folgenden Beitrag handelt es sich um die Auswertung Ihrer Antworten.
Struktur der Teilnehmer:innen
Zuerst möchten wir darauf eingehen, was Sie uns über sich verraten haben.
Die Mehrzahl der Antwortenden waren Studierende (67%), gefolgt von Doktorand:innen (13%), Bibliotheksbeschäftigten (9%) und Promovierten Wissenschaftler:innen (6%). Es nahmen keine Professor:innen teil.
Graphik 1: Tätigkeit der Befragten
Es ist wenig überraschend, dass China und Japan die beiden Regionen sind, die die meisten Interessierten angezogen hat. Das zeigt sich gleich in zweierlei Hinsicht. Zum einen bei der Frage nach den Regionen, in denen die fachlichen Interessen der Teilnehmenden verortet sind und auch in der Regionenzuordnung der angebotenen Webinare.
Graphik 2: Verteilung auf die Regionen
Graphik 3 Aufteilung auf Schulungen
Für uns sehr spannend waren außerdem Ihre Antworten darauf, wie Sie auf unsere Webinare aufmerksam geworden sind. Dadurch können wir erkennen, ob wir Sie auf den bisher genutzten Kommunikationswegen erreichen.
Graphik 4 Informationen zur Schulung
Einige von Ihnen haben hier Gebrauch von der Kommentarfunktion gemacht und uns mitgeteilt, dass Sie über die J-Studien auf die jeweiligen Veranstaltungen aufmerksam geworden sind. Es freut uns sehr, dass unsere Informationen Sie auf diesem Wege erreichen.
Evaluierung der Schulungsinhalte
Um zu verstehen, wie Sie die Schulungsinhalte wahrnehmen, wurden drei Fragen gestellt. In der ersten wollten wir wissen, inwiefern die Schulungsinhalte den Ankündigungen im CrossAsia Classroom entsprachen. 97% der Evaluationsteilnehmer:innen sind der Meinung, dass die sie mit den letztendlich vermittelten Inhalten übereinstimmen.
Graphik 5 Inhalte entsprachen Ankündigungen
Darüber hinaus wollten wir wissen, ob die vermittelten Inhalte für sie verständlich dargestellt wurden. Auch hier äußerten sich die Evaluationsteilnehmer:innen sehr positiv.
Graphik 6 Verständlichkeit der Schulungen
Die dritte, und vielleicht wichtigste Frage, war die nach der Nützlichkeit der Schulungsinhalte. Hier stimmten über 83% zu, dass die angesprochenen Themen für sie und ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit nützlich sind.
Graphik 7 Nützlichkeit der Inhalte
Fehlerbetrachtung und Fazit
Die Evaluation hat eine klassische „Survivorship Bias“ der besagt, dass nur die Meinungen von Personen, die an der Umfrage teilgenommen haben, berücksichtigt wurden. Eine weitere Ungenauigkeit kommt durch die ungleichmäßigen Verteilung der Evaluationsteilnehmer:innen auf die einzelnen Schulungen. Um eine Anonymisierung der Teilnehmenden zu gewährleisten, wurde bei weniger als fünf Webinarbesucher:innen in der Regel vom Teilen der Umfrage abgesehen.
Nichtsdestotrotz sind die Ergebnisse aussagekräftig. Sie zeigen eine große Zufriedenheit mit unseren angebotenen Inhalten und darüber hinaus erreichen wir Sie auf den bisher genutzten Wegen. Wir werden deshalb weiterhin freie Webinare für CrossAsia und die einzelnen Regionen anbieten und das Angebot noch weiter anpassen.
Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf ein Wiedersehen in unseren Webinaren im kommenden Sommersemester 2022. Mehr dazu rechtzeitig vor Semesterbeginn!
Samstag, 26.02. – JapanKnowledge wegen Wartungsarbeiten vorübergehend nicht erreichbar
/in Aktuelles, Datenbanken/by Christian DunkelDer Anbieter hat uns informiert, dass die Datenbank JapanKnowledge an diesem Samstag (26.02.) in der Zeit von 1.00 Uhr nachts bis 11 Uhr vormittags (9.00-19.00 Uhr japanische Zeit) wegen umfangreicher Wartungsarbeiten nicht erreichbar sind wird.
Sollten Sie anschließend Probleme haben, die Datenbank zu nutzen, schreiben Sie uns bitte.
National Population Census of China – Jetzt dauerhaft lizenziert
/in Aktuelles, Datenbanken, Newsletter 26/by Cordula GumbrechtAb sofort steht unseren Nutzerinnen und Nutzern der Zugang zur Datenbank National Population Census of China des Anbieters CNKI zur Verfügung. Bei der Recherche können Sie – wie auch im CNKI (China national knowledge infrastructure)-Portal – in gewohnter Manier eine chinesisch- als auch eine englischsprachige Oberfläche nutzen. Für den Einstieg in die Datenbank mit 153 einschlägigen statistischen Jahrbüchern bzw. mehr als 42.000 Einträgen für die Jahre 1982 bis 2020 gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie über die Region bzw. das Jahr sowie über die Reiter Datasearch (统计数据检索), Data Analysis (普查数据检索) und Book Navigation (普查资料导航). Aktuellere Daten sollen in der Mitte diesen Jahres in die Datenbank eingepflegt werden. Sie finden die Datenbank auf der CrossAsia Website über den Menüpunkt Ressourcen > Datenbanken und mit der Auswahl der Klassifikation „Statistics, Yearbooks, Local Monographs“ sowie der Sprachauswahl „Chinese“ bzw. der Regionenauswahl “Chinese Language Regions”. Als Einführung in die Datenbank kann ein Users Manual heruntergeladen werden.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß und Erfolg beim Nutzen der Datenbank.
CHANT Database vom 28.-29.01. vorübergehend nicht erreichbar
/in Datenbanken/by CrossAsiaDie Chinese Ancient Texts (CHANT)-Database des Institute of Chineses Studies der Chinese University of Hong Kong ist vom 28. Januar 11 Uhr (CET) bis zum 29. Januar 11 Uhr (CET) aufgrund einer Unterbrechung der Stromversorgung nicht erreichbar.
Für den Fall, dass Sie CHANT noch nicht kennen und jetzt neugierig geworden sind: CHANT versammelt in Teildatenbanken antike chinesische Texte wie Inschriften von Orakelknochen (甲骨文), Bronze-Inschriften (金文), Texte auf Bambusleisten bzw. Seide (竹簡帛書) sowie Texte aus der Vor-Qin- und Han-Zeit (先秦兩漢) und der Zeit der sechs Dynastien (魏晉南北朝). Schauen Sie gern nach den Wartungsarbeiten hier vorbei!
Unser Jubiläumsjahr – 2022
/in Newsletter 26, Veranstaltungen/by CrossAsiaZwei neue Themenportale zu Japan
/in Aktuelles, Newsletter 26, Sammlungen, SBB, Themenportale/by Ursula FlacheDie Unterzeichnung eines Freundschafts-, Handels- und Schifffahrtsvertrags zwischen Preußen und Japan im Januar 1861 jährte sich in diesem Jahr zum 160. Mal. Pandemiebedingt konnte das Jubiläum “160 Jahre deutsch-japanische Beziehungen” jedoch kaum Aufmerksamkeit finden, geschweige denn gebührend gefeiert werden. Nichtsdestotrotz möchten wir nun zu seinem Abschluss unseren virtuellen Beitrag dazu in Gestalt zweier Themenportale präsentieren.
Auf der Webseite über Die preußische Expedition in Japan 1860/61 werden der Aufenthalt der Gesandtschaft unter der Leitung von Friedrich Albrecht Graf zu Eulenburg sowie der Verlauf der Verhandlungen geschildert. Das letztlich geschlossene Abkommen folgte dem Muster der mit anderen westlichen Mächten geschlossenen Verträge und war somit sehr zum Nachteil von Japan. Die Expeditionsmitglieder verbrachten die Zeit zwischen den politischen Gesprächen mit Erkundungen und Einkäufen in und um Edo (das heutige Tokyo). Die für die damalige Königliche Bibliothek erworbenen Handschriften, Druckwerke und Karten stellen den eigentlichen Beginn der Japan-Sammlung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-PK dar und werden in einem weiteren Themenportal vorgestellt. Einige Werke können dabei einzelnen Personen zugeordnet werden, namentlich dem Gesandten Eulenburg sowie dem Attaché Max von Brandt, dem Geologen Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen und dem Arzt Robert Lucius Freiherr von Ballhausen.
Tatsächliche Reisen nach Japan sind derzeit leider kaum umzusetzen, und so hoffen wir, dass diese beiden virtuellen Ausflüge zumindest etwas Abwechslung bieten. Wir wünschen viel Freude bei der Lektüre.